
Scripture texts and devional material written by members of Church of the Servant


Coloring out the Darkness – with Carol Roeda

“All praise to you, my God, this night, for all the blessings of the light”. From Carol Roeda: “Darkness and...

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Midweek Meditation – July 9, 2020

This midweek meditation invites us to reflect on waiting. For the remainder of July, we’re taking a pause on these...

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Midweek Meditation – June 18, 2020

A midweek meditation and song from Pastor Karen Campbell. Part of House Church Resources at Church of the Servant.

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Midweek Meditation – 4/29/2020 – Emmaus and “Patient Trust”

Patient TrustAbove all, trust in the slow work of God.We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end...

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House Church Resources – April 26, 2020

Here we will provide resources and guides for house churches meeting Sunday, April 26 We invite you to Participate in Zoom...

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Midweek Meditation with Maria Beversluis van Leeuwen

COS, We are in a Holy Week unlike any other. We would normally be gathering for a Maundy Thursday service...

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Good Friday, 2020 • St. John Passion

In the 5th century, Pope Leo the Great recommended that the Passion Narrative from the Gospel of Matthew be read on...

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Good Friday, 2020: Stations of the Cross

The Way of the CrossA Service of Meditation for Good FridayApril 10, 2020Church of the Servant CRC Prelude Consider beginning...

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Midweek Meditation with Pastor Andrew

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Midweek Meditation from Pastor Karen

Choices, Acorns, and God’s Abundance. In this midweek-meditation, I share with you a story from Tuesday’s funeral for Alexandria VanderKodde...

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From Pastor Andrew: A Mid-Week Meditation

Hello, Church, I’m posting this short video as a way to connect midweek. On a normal Wednesday, we would have...

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Lent Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina during Lent – Lectio Divina is a prayer form reaching back to the 6th century and used by...

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