Rooted in Christ and nurtured by the Spirit, we grow in God’s grace to share gifts of refuge, fellowship, and hope.

As a congregation gathered around the Tree of Life, we are called to:

  • participate in worship that is Reformed and liturgical, historic and modern, local and global
  • prepare people for fruitful service by nurturing their gifts and cultivating their discipleship
  • create a community where the burdened and suffering will find shelter, where the alienated will be accepted, and where those seeking God will be shown the way
  • share God’s lavish love in Jesus and promote justice and peace for our neighbors near and far and for the earth, our common home


3835 Burton St.
Grand Rapids, MI

Sundays • 10 am


Church Meals

Throughout the year, generally on the first Sunday of the month, we offer an all-church meal following morning worship. This is a great chance to meet and share with others at the church

Dates (2024):
February 4

March 3

March 31 (Christmas brunch)

May 19


Our adult-ed Sunday school, called “God’s People Seeking,” has included times of story and testimony, theological discussions, lectures, and opportunities to share with each other about what God is doing in our lives.


  • Build community
  • Expand our view of God
  • Grapple with faith


Called to Serve:
We believe that each of us is called to serve God by seeking out his intentions for us as students, neighbors, siblings, workers, etc. In addition, God calls on us to care for and serve our neighbors across the street and across the globe.


You are invited to use your gifts in service to God both inside the church (e.g. volunteer in children’s ministry, serve on a committee, make meals for new parents or sick members, etc.) and outside of the church (e.g. volunteer to hand out food at the monthly mobile food pantry, teach ESL, tutor a refugee, encourage and support our 12+ missionaries who are serving around the world, etc.)