Sunday School Classes
Church of the Servant provides many opportunities for children through adults to grow and strengthen their faith. From mid-September through mid-May we offer church school classes at 9 am for 4-year-olds through adults. Classes are led by caring, knowledgeable, and thought-provoking Christian volunteers who are members of our church. Our content is steeped in the Reformed tradition and progresses from teaching the stories of the Bible (pre-k – 5th grade) to Heidelberg Catechism & Foundational Theology (6th-8th grade) to Bible Overview & Developing a Christian Worldview (9th-10th grade) to preparing students to defend and keep the faith (11th-12th grade) to sermon-related discussions (adults). Classes are held throughout the church. Follow the signage or stop at the Welcome Table for exact classroom locations.
God’s People Seeking (GPS)
COS has a rich history of deep and meaningful adult education opportunities. Our Sunday Morning Adult Ed Sunday School has included times of story and testimony, theological discussions, lectures, and opportunities to share with each other about what God is doing in our lives. Our Sunday Morning Adult Ed time: God’s People Seeking. Learn more here.
Wednesday Night Programming
Authors, professors, business leaders, missionaries, environmentalists and other members of our church offer challenging and inspiring talks and discussions on the first three Wednesdays of the month, from 6:45-8pm in the Living Room. Come and be encouraged to grow in your faith. Check the bulletin or church website for current leaders and topics. Church dinners are also provided from 5:30-6:30 on the first three Wednesdays.
Small Groups
Whether you’re a visitor or a longtime member, you’ll find ways to walk together on the road of Christian discipleship in small groups at Church of the Servant.