Giving and Living as People of Refuge

To live into our overall vision statement and recently adopted “Our Calling: a Community of Belonging” statement, COS leadership has chosen “refuge” as a guiding theme. When we support Church of the Servant’s mission with our time, treasure, and talent, we are responding to God’s invitation. God calls us to be a community “rooted in Christ, nurtured by the Spirit, to grow in God’s grace to share gifts of refuge, fellowship, and hope.” 

The Stewardship team is inviting each of us to make a pledge of our finances as we live out our commitment to be a community of refuge. Both in our year-end giving and in the pledges for the 2024 General Fund that we make this December, we are showing ourselves to be people of refuge.

Why Do We Pledge?

We pledge because we are grateful for God’s blessings and as a joyful sign of our faith and trust in God. We pledge as a way of keeping ourselves on track, to hold true to our intentions.

How Do We Pledge?

We pledge by completing the online form in the Quick Link below, or printing and returning the PDF pledge form to the church office or placing it in an offering bowl.

Quick Links:

Please visit our page: Ways to Give to COS for more information on how you can give to Church of the Servant.

Whether large or small, your pledge is important.

Please make your commitment before the end of the year. If you have questions, contact a member of the Stewardship Committee.

General Fund details for 2024 pledge campaign

The COS 2023-2024 General Fund supports dozens of ministries that serve hundreds of people every week.

Total 2023-24 budget    $1,337,253.56
Personnel (Staff and Benefits)$ 721,639.56(54%)
Christian School Tuition Assistance$ 195,000(15%)
Facilities$ 128,950(10%)
Administration and Office$ 62,614(5%)
Mortgage $ 36,106.80(3%)
Ministry Expenses *$ 123,715.20 (9%)
Denominational Ministry Shares **$ 50,000(4%)
Classis GR East Ministry Shares  $ 19,228(1%)

*     Includes Congregational Life, Worship and Faith Formation ($60,520), Deacon’s Local Ministries ($33,747), and Global Ministries ($29,448). Faith Promise Pledges add to that budgeted Global Ministries amount, increasing the total amount available for missionaries.

**   These Ministry Shares support CRCNA Congregational Ministries (30.5%), ReFrame (formerly Back to God Hour) Ministries (10.8%), Calvin University (12.1%), Calvin Theological Seminary (9.2%), Resonate Global Mission (17.2%), and Office of General Secretary (18.3%), which includes Synod costs. See

The Stewardship team has set a goal of raising 70% of the 2023-24 budget in pledges during the month of December ($936,078). As we move toward this goal, we will share updates with the congregation and encourage everyone to make a commitment that takes into consideration the rising costs of living and doing ministry.

The following table summarizes the prior four years of pledge drive results:

YearNumber of PledgesTotal PledgedAverage Pledge

Your pledge—no matter what size—matters. Please make it before 2023 ends. Questions? Contact a member of the Stewardship Team: Chuck Hampton, Joan Huyser-Honig, Carol Rienstra, Michael Zahrt, Andrew Zwart.

Prayerfully consider your pledge toward the $936,078 mark. Join us as we praise our “God who meets all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19).