Children’s Ministry
“May the Word of the Lord Grow in your Hearts”
Every Sunday we call the children of our church to the front of the worship space and say these words to them: “May the Word of the Lord grow in your hearts.” Discover more about the Children’s Ministries we provide to help make this happen.
Youth Ministry
“Listen to the Creator so that we understand his love more completely, worship more fully, and share his love more outwardly.”
Our goal is to enable students to keep the faith through college, and into adulthood. The programs focus on Scripture, prayer, worship, service, and fellowship. Students are encouraged to be involved in the church as a body as well as the community in which we live. Service activities and fun events are planned for all who wish to participate. Financial assistance is available for activities if needed. Learn more here.
College-age Ministry
We believe that each of us is called to serve God by seeking out his intentions for us as students, neighbors, siblings, workers, etc. In addition, God calls on us to care for and serve our neighbors across the street and across the globe.
Our college-age ministry meets primarily during the school year. Those in this age range often eat together during our COS meals, learn from members of the congregation about callings and careers, serve COS and the community in our various ministries, and participate actively in leading worship.
Adult Ministries
“To Know God and Make Him Known”
Church of the Servant strives to provide opportunities for members and visitors to grow in their knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. Our desire is to help Christians live out our mission of being and making disciples. Find more information on our Adult Education opportunities.