
Church of the Servant Christian Reformed Church began more than 50 years ago, in 1973, as a small group with a vibrant vision for ministry and fellowship. This vision has taken shape in wonderful and unexpected ways, so that today we are…

  • A large, intergenerational family of God gathered around Word and sacrament – one that celebrates the Lord’s Supper in all Sunday morning worship services and closely follows the liturgical calendar.
  • An increasingly diverse community that seeks to do justice and love mercy within our walls, in our neighborhood, and through ministry partnerships worldwide.
  • People on a journey, seeking to fulfill our shared mission of being and making disciples.


Rooted in Christ and nurtured by the Spirit, we grow in God’s grace to share gifts of refuge, fellowship, and hope.

As a congregation gathered around the Tree of Life, we are called to:

  • participate in worship that is Reformed and liturgical, historic and modern, local and global
  • prepare people for fruitful service by nurturing their gifts and cultivating their discipleship
  • create a community where the burdened and suffering will find shelter, where the alienated will be accepted, and where those seeking God will be shown the way
  • share God’s lavish love in Jesus and promote justice and peace for our neighbors near and far and for the earth, our common home 

(Revised 2022)

Statement of Belonging

After over a year of prayer, listening for God’s voice and to each other, hard work, and challenging conversations, council approved the Statement of Belonging at its July 6 meeting. Council is now looking forward to helping our congregation continue to grow into the statement. Council will work with the new Classis Grand Rapids East committee that is gathering information for member churches about options going forward post-Synod 2023. We want COS to be a place of refuge, fellowship, and hope for all our church family and also one that is obedient to God’s Word.

(July, 2023)