Dear Congregation,

Places of refuge need spaces that are safe and welcoming

With that simple declaration, the COS council is launching a capital campaign for funding to address building needs, improve technology, enhance safety in our building, fix broken windows and doors, and refresh our gathering spaces. 

Our COS building is a gift from our past and a commitment to our future. The building and grounds are filled with active ministries throughout the week, certainly a sign of God’s faithfulness to us. These activities have taken their toll on our spaces. Our building has received careful tending over the years, but some spaces, equipment, and structures are worn out. Council, church staff, and the COS building committee have been hard at work documenting the needs and planning for the future. Preserving our investment in the building and enhancing its usefulness for our local and online fellowship will take involvement from us all. 

Our goal is to raise $770,000 through gifts and pledges over the next three years. Projects will be completed as funding becomes available. We request that you consider a gift to this campaign over and above your pledges and giving to the General Fund.

This brochure describes our needs and the plans to address them. With God’s help, we are eager to ready our spaces and our technology for God’s service for many years to come.  

The COS Council

The COS Campaign Committee