New Member Class

Twice a year, new member classes are held four Sundays in a row after church, typically in the later fall and again in the spring soon after Easter. We become a healthier church when we commit to each other and to Christ through joining the church, so any and all are encouraged to discern whether to join in on what God is doing in and through COS. Watch the digital newsletter and bulletins or get in touch with Ben for upcoming dates. 


Households are small groups of 10-15 people that meet at least monthly for support, prayer, and the pure joy of being together. New groups start periodically, and some groups are open to join.

Wednesday Nights at COS

Come for dinner (5:30 pm) and stay for classes and activities for all ages (6:30-8 pm). The schedule varies throughout the year, so please stay up-to-date by reading the digital newsletter or contacting the ministry staff.  

Book and Bible Studies

Wednesday nights, Thursday mornings and Saturday mornings are regularly scheduled small group studies for everyone. These change throughout the year, so keep up-to-date with the digital newsletter. 

Coffee Hour 

After worship on Sundays, we spend time together. Coffee, tea, and lemonade are featured, and often cookies as well. This is a great time to meet new folks. We as a congregation want you here and hope to meet you. 

Monthly Meals 

Inspired by Jesus, we eat great food together as a congregation about once a month, usually on the first Sunday of that month. Watch the digital newsletter for updates. Please let Ellen know if you have dietary restrictions; she hospitably accommodates most needs.