Northern Ireland

Recaps of our Youth Trip to Northern Ireland to study peacemaking across deep divisions.

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland: Afterword

It’s been a couple of weeks since our group returned from Northern Ireland. We’re thankful for a good last day...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 8

Today’s post was written by Celia Kort The heartier members of the crew participated in the Antrim Park Run, a...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 7

Today’s post was written by Kate Witvliet After breakfast and checking out of Bushmills youth hostel, we rode the bus...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 6

Today’s post is written by Madeline Witvliet and Meg Voetberg A bright and early start brought us to the city...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 5

Today’s post is written by Henry Jackson. Day 5 was another day in the small town of Bushmills. We began...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 4

Today’s post is written by Meg Voetberg: We picked up the day with a short session on “reconciliation through education”...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 3

Today’s recap was written by Luke Witvliet: Day 3 began with us saying goodbye to our host families. We had...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 2

Day 2 in Northern Ireland began with church at Bloomfield Presbyterian where our group got some special recognition from minister...

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Peacemaking in Northern Ireland – COS Youth Trip – Day 1

After meeting at church and sorting through final paperwork, our intrepid group of COSers prayed for our upcoming trip to...

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