Pentecost Season, Week of Sunday, July 26, 2020

On Sunday, July 26, we will continue to worship in homes, individually, but still as one body as we seek to be prisms of God’s light in liturgy and in life. This week Pastor Karen Campbell will bring us a message based on the scriptures of Genesis 29:15-28 and Romans 8:26-39. Each week we will add a new post that includes a house church liturgy, messages from the pastors, resources for leaders, and media to accompany worship. Resources, videos, and liturgies can be found on the Church of the Servant website at

On Sunday July 26 following the worship service there will be a congregational meeting via Zoom to vote on nominees for council, the budget and COS Bylaws. Opportunity will also be provided to submit absentee ballots. The draft 2020-2021 budget is available for your review online.

To replace the elders and deacons who have finished their three-year term, Council has approved the following slate of four nominees for elders and five nominees for deacons, which is how many are needed. Council is grateful to God and heartened by their yes answer to serving COS in this special way, if elected by the congregation. The nominees are: (Elder) Karen Koetje, Beena Philip, Gretchen Borst, Dale Cooper, and (Deacons) Hubert “Alex” Majaliwa, Pam Bratt, Adam Hollemans, Cheryl Van Til, and Marc Beversluis. Read the full bios here.

Children’s Ministry

COS Children’s Ministry Facebook Group
. Did you know we have a new COS Facebook for families with kids ages 0-6th grade!?! If not, please join! You’ll find it here. This is a closed group, so only those who join the group can read the posts or see the videos or pictures posted within. I often post the weekly Bible story and midweek storybook video to this group and ideas for engaging these stories for the rest of the week. It’s a great way to interact and connect!  

Weekly Email: Parents or grandparents, please email me at if you aren’t receiving a weekly email Children’s Ministry email. The email goes out on Saturday or Sunday with information about the stories for the week and anything else that’s happening for kids.

                                                Church News

Financial Update – Last week’s offering and online giving:  $10,186.40
Total Giving for the month of July (est) $76,930.12 (1 Sunday left).
Our monthly General Fund budget is $119,028.

Contribution statements for the first six months of 2020 will be emailed before the end of the month and contributors with no emails on file will receive a mailed statement.

Dark Times: Deep Grace Join us on Facebook live in the COS Facebook group each Wednesday at 8.30 pm as we read psalms of lament and pray in creative ways together. The time together includes songs, art, and words of lament as we navigate these difficult times with a sense of deep grace. You can view previous Dark Times Deep Grace videos online here.

GOT BLOOD? Give some.  People need people – we urge you to donate soon. Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, there is an immediate need for blood donors to ensure a safe supply.  After careful consideration, we have decided to not host an August drive in our building. However, we strongly encourage willing donors to sign up for an appointment at the Versiti Blood Center on Fuller Ave in Grand Rapids, or Wilson Ave in Grandville. These Centers have sound safety protocols in place, and offer many options of days and times to schedule your appointment. [If you last donated before May 24, you are eligible to donate now.] Thank you for your lifesaving gift!  –Beth Karanicola & Ruth Huisman, COS Blood Drive Co-Chairs.

The COS Prisoners in Christ (PinC) and Antiracism and Reconciliation (ARRT) teams invite you to join a congregation-wide effort to pray regularly and learn more about racial injustice. A cart with resources from the COS Anti-racism library will be located just outside the main doors of the church weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Please stop by and borrow a book or DVD.  If you have questions, contact Jolanda Howe, a member of the COS Anti-racism and Reconciliation Team, at (616) 238-1324.

Outdoor Worship: COS staff, council, and COVID response team are currently making plans to hold small, outdoor worship services on Sunday evenings in August. These services would be held in addition to our Sunday morning Zoom services. Information on logistics, format, and RSVPing for these services will be coming soon.

Have you ever considered what happens after you throw your waste “away?”  During this presentation, we discover what happens to your waste in those “away” places. Waste might be buried in landfills, recycled, composted, reused, or one of many other options. Join us for an overview of how waste is handled in Kent County and discover the best and highest uses for our various types of waste in a sustainable materials management system. Specific focus will be given to the Recycling & Education Center and recycling practices in Kent County.

Here is the webinar information for the virtual presentation that Katelyn and I will be giving for Church of the Servant on Wednesday, July 29th at 7 PM.  The presentation will last about 45 minutes with about 15 minutes at the end for questions. Kent County DPW is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Watch Your Waste Virtual Presentation
Time: Jul 29, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 978 5902 7971
Passcode: church

From CORR: Since our last workshop at the end of February, our world has significantly changed. 

    Ahmaud Arbery shot down in cold blood
    We saw George Floyd die before our eyes
    A global pandemic…one that is hitting communities of color hard.
And, this is only the tip of the iceberg. People are stirred up. Communities are pushing back. 

At the beginning of 2020, CORR was stepping into a new curriculum – new content and a new mode of delivery. We were excited to be able to share this with you and the feedback from the first workshops done in 2020 was very positive. Then, we had to cancel April’s workshop…and then June’s…in the hopes that we would be able to convene in person workshops again soon. Yet, it’s clear now that is likely not going to happen for awhile. The trainers have been working hard to shape the curriculum into a format that can be delivered virtually. We are happy to say that this has been accomplished and we are ready to offer it to you!

Read the full message, with information on upcoming workshops here.

In an effort to encourage Psalm-singing, Church of the Servant invites congregational songwriters to submit a Psalm-based song to its 2020 COS New Psalm Contest. The first place winner will receive a $500 award; the second place winner will receive a $200 award. There is no entry fee and the contest is open to all. Submissions must be emailed or postmarked by October 1, 2020. The winning songs will be premiered in worship on January 31, 2021. This contest is made possible by a generous donation in memory of Ben Fackler, who loved all things musical. Learn more at: