January, 2019


Thursday Bible Study

The THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY RESUMES FEBRUARY 7, 2019.  We will be studying RUTH and ESTHER, using a study by Kathleen...

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COS Profiles: Jan and Paul Stoub

COS Profiles This month’s profile features Paul and Jan Stoub. Interviewer: Paul, you have been most visible here at church...

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COS Bulletin – January 27, 2019

GPS will meet this Sunday, January 27 at 9am as we continue a 3-week series: What does racism look like...

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Gender and Sexuality 101

Event: Wednesday, January 23, 6:30pm, Gender and Sexuality 101 This will be an evening of learning with Julia Smith, Coordinator...

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COS Bulletin – January 20, 2019

Happening This Sunday: GPS will meet January 20 at 9am as we continue a 3 week series: What does racism...

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Lessons & Carols 2018

In December, as we have done for many years, we heard the salvation story told through the scripture and song...

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“The Power of Proximity” – A Conversation with Michelle Warren

COS’s Prisoners in Christ team is hosting a conversation with Michelle Warren, author of “The Power of Proximity,” on Wed....

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Upcoming Events from the COS Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Team:

Upcoming events from the COS Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Team: GPS (God’s People Seeking): What Does Racism Look Like in Grand...

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COS Bulletin – January 13, 2019

Happening This Sunday: GPS will meet January 13 at 9am with a new 3 week series: What does racism look...

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GPS this Month and MLK Day Events

GPS will meet next Sunday, January 13 at 9am with a new 3 week series: What does racism look like...

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COS Bulletin – January 6, 2019

Happening This Sunday January 6 is the beginning of Epiphany. At 9 am, everyone is invited to attend Intergenerational Sunday...

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Perspectives Class

The Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class will take place beginning January 23 at Madison Square Church. This is...

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