Again this year, Church of the Servant prepared for Christmas with a service of lessons and carols, in which we read seven scriptures telling or foretelling the birth of Christ and then sing a song that relates to that scripture. This simple, yet profound service allows us to hear the redemption narrative from the fall to the incarnation, always with an ear to hear the hope of Christ’s return.

Here are a few of this year’s highlights:

The strings and choir set the stage for the scripture readings with the song Fulfillment. Yes, their tone is course and bright–that’s the way Sacred Harp is supposed to sound!

94 year old COS member Dorothy Otte is the grand dame of COS’s Lessons and Carols service. Her scripture readings are always a highlight of the service, and this year was no exception. Here she reads Genesis 3:8-15.

Finally, the choir sang Weary is the World, composed by Carlos Colón-Quintana to a text by G.K. Chesterton. Carlos is a friend of mine and of choir members Steve and Jan Evans, so it was especially meaningful to sing this beautiful composition wiith Jan singing the solo.

Here is the whole service, with links to a few songs that might not be familiar:

2008 L&C Cover, by Matt Plescher

Taize Gloria
Once in Royal David’s City

Bidding prayer and Lord’s Prayer

O Come All Ye Faithful
Sacred Harp “Fulfillment” (strings, choir)

FIRST LESSON: Genesis 3:8-15

Creation Fell in Adam’s Fall

SECOND LESSON: Genesis 22:15-18

The God of Abraham Praise

THIRD LESSON: Isaiah 11:1-9

Lo, How a Rose

FOURTH LESSON: Micah 5:2-4

A Child Will Come; Bethlehem Night (youth choir)

FIFTH LESSON: Isaiah 40:1-5

Every Valley by Greg Scheer (choir)

SIXTH LESSON: Luke 1:26-38

Holy Is Your Name
I Sing a Maid


Weary Is the World (choir)
O Little Town of Bethlehem


Recessional Hymn
Joy to the World