Our Fall schedule of two services started with a bang this Sunday, as the choir began its season and a string quartet made worship even more festive. Here are some highlights:

We Sing the Mighty Power of God – The perfect opening hymn for a sunny Fall day: “Lord, how your wonders are displayed, wherever we turn our eyes, if we survey the ground we tread or gaze upon the skies.

Vivaldi “Gloria” – Throughout the year, the choir will sing sections of Vivaldi’s Gloria at appropriate liturgical moments. (Read more in this liturgy lesson.) This Sunday, we sang the first movement as the Gloria after the confession.

May the Mind of Christ My Savior – Jack preached from James, so we followed it with a good hymn of faith and works, “May the Mind of Christ My Savior,” in a retuned version I wrote 15 years ago.

Vivaldi “Gratias Agimus Tibi” – This medley begins with Vivaldi, then slips into Thomas Ken’s “Doxology.” The Doxology’s closing “amen” provides the opening chords of Ron Rienstra’s “The Lord Be with You” communion music. That’s who we roll at COS–a few centuries of music wrapped up in a 4 minute bon bon.

Father in Heaven – This tango-esque Filipino song to the Trinity sounds especially delightful with string quartet.

All Hail the Power – Finally, when I have really good string players I use them!