Happening This Sunday

Palm Sunday worship begins at 10am, with a service in the large Sanctuary and the Basic English Service in Room 4. The service will begin with a palm processional, after which we will turn our focus toward Holy Week with a reading of the Passion narrative. The reading will be interspersed with hymns.

Next Sunday

Easter is almost here and it’s nearly time for our annual Easter Brunch! As is our tradition, the brunch will be held from 10-11am between the worship services and everyone is welcome! Please bring delicious food to share. Breads, muffins, veggies, fruit, egg dishes, or brownies, are all welcome.  Have things cut and ready to be served. Punch and coffee will be available.

Youth News

Small Groups should meet sometime this week.

April 21 is Easter – which means 2 worship services to celebrate that Christ is risen, one at 8:30am and one at 11:00am, with the FAMOUS COS EASTER BRUNCH at 10am!

April 28 – Big Group meets after our 10am worship for lunch followed by our monthly “4 for 4” activities.

Church News

The Thursday Bible study will NOT MEET this week Thurs. April 18.  We will resume our study on Thursday April 25 with Esther 7-8, Falling and Rising: Switched and Speeding to the End.

Applications are being accepted for the Jack and Carol Roeda Refugee Higher Education Scholarship until tomorrow, April 15 for the 2019 – 2020 school year.  To qualify, you must be a refugee, participate regularly in COS/BES, and plan to attend a college or university. This year five students who attend GRCC, Ferris State and Calvin have benefited from this scholarship.  For this we thank God and thank you for your generous giving to the scholarship fund.

African Drumming – We hope to have a group of people to play the Djembes during our Easter Morning procession.  We will rehearse on Wednesday, April 17 from 6-6:30pm in the sanctuary.  Since we have 2 morning services on Easter, at 8:30am and 11am, we will need drummers for both services.  We will rehearse briefly before each service as well.  Please let Maria know if you are interested in playing (Maria.Stapert@coscrc.org). 

Holy Week Choir – We welcome new (and seasoned…) voices to join the choir during Holy Week.  The choir will participate in services on Good Friday (April 19), and Easter Sunday (April 21). We will rehearse on Wednesday evening, April 17 from 6:30-8:00pm.  Please let Maria know if you are interested in participating (Maria.Stapert@coscrc.org). 

Easter Season Dancers – Join the dancers for Easter season dancing the sermon response. Rehearsals will be held Wednesday, April 17, at 7PM and Saturday, April 20, at 10AM.

Are you interested in becoming a member of Church of the Servant? Please join us on Sunday, April 28, for a luncheon from 11:45-1:00.  No need to bring anything but we do ask that you sign up on the café welcome table or contact Chris Klein at chris.klein@coscrc.org. This will be an introduction to COS and a time of getting acquainted and then, if you are interested in joining, there will be 3 additional meetings on May 5, 12 and 19.

ESL at COS — New people continue to come, this week from South Korea, Iraq, Somalia, Egypt, India and Ethiopia.  Now is an excellent time for anyone thinking about September-December 2019 to get acquainted with the program.  We end for the summer on May 23. Visit us now; join us in the fall.   

The COS community garden (behind church, between the solar array and playground) has some 4-by-8-foot plots available to anyone who will promise to tend their space at least once a week. Gardeners are a mix of native English speakers and refugees, and it’s fun to learn from each other.

What am I when I am not what I used to be? And who cares? And what does that have to do with growing with God?”  You’re invited to our seniors’ small group, beginning end of April, to explore these and other Aging Matters.  Check the café sign-up sheets for preferred times.

Lost & Found – If you lost an item while you were here at COS, we may have found it! Check the coat rack area near the office for insulated mugs, assorted hats, gloves, shirts, coats and books. You probably don’t realize you’ve lost it.  Whatever isn’t claimed after a couple of weeks will be donated.

Lectio Divina meets one more time this Wednesday 12:00 – 12:45 in the Living Room. Everyone is welcome.

Last week Sunday we enjoyed celebrating a big birthday with our brothers and sisters in the BES fellowship. This week we have an opportunity to serve. The Refugee Support Team has identified an immediate need for sponsors for three new Congolese refugee families that are now attending BES. The ideal sponsors would be members of COS households who have hearts for ministry and could come alongside these folks as friends and mentors for a period of six months.  If your household would like to help with this urgent need, please contact Chris Klein christopher.klein@coscrc.org