Prisoners in Christ draws your attention to two events coming up this week:

This Wednesday, Feb.6, 6:30 – 8pm Michelle Warren, Advocacy and Strategic Engagement Director for Christian Community Development Association will be available to meet COS members and talk about the CCDA initiative “Locked in Solidarity: Awareness and Action on Mass Incarceration.” Sponsored by COS’s Prisoners in Christ and the Anti-racism and Reconciliation Team. Please stop by after the Wednesday supper.

More information at

The next evening, Feb. 7,  there will be a Greater Grand Rapids CCDA Proximity Cafe at Bridge Street House of Prayer,  visit to register (it costs $5)

Also, COS invites you to join the Christian Community Development Association for the annual Locked in Solidarity awareness and action week around mass incarceration. Locked in Solidarity (LIS) began in 2014 as an effort to increase awareness of the impact incarceration is having on poor communities, as well as support each other, as we seek to reverse its devastating impacts.

Visit the CCDA website for resources and schedules.

Here you can access and download a prayer calendar from COS’s Prisoners in Christ group.