The ashes are made from burning the palm branches used the previous year on Palm Sunday. They are stored in the worship storage closet in a long box that contains both the old palm branches and a jar of ashes. In the past, the VanBaaks have burned more palm branches as needed.
We traditionally have two or three couples at the edge of the platform, one person holding the container of ash and the other person placing the ashes while saying something. Sometimes it’s Jack and Carol plus another council member and spouse. In 2009 it was Jessica Bratt and David VanBaak who held the containers and applied the ashes while saying “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” or something similar. The people came forward in two rows.
Communion requires bread (pita style) and wine (watered).
In 2009 the communion circles were served only one loaf and chalice, so communion took longer than one would expect for the 150 or so people who attended. Keep this in mind while preparing communion music!