Church of the Servant’s Lessons & Carols service is always a special evening. The format is simple: scripture and song. But somehow the combination is profound. We hear scriptures of waiting and fulfillment, sing cherished carols of the season, hear musical styles from hillbilly to highbrow, and experience the variety of voices that make up our congregation. It is truly a wonder-filled service. Here are some highlights:


The Babe of Bethlehem (from Southern Harmony, 1835)



On Jordan’s Bank

All Earth Is Waiting

FIRST LESSON: Genesis 3:8-15 God announces in the Garden of Eden that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head.

Hear Dorothy Otte’s reading of Genesis 3

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

SECOND LESSON: Genesis 22:15-18 God promises to faithful Abraham that in his seed shall the nations of the earth be blessed.

O Abram, Look Up to the Sky (Jim Clemens, from A Field of Voices)

THIRD LESSON: Isaiah 9:2,6-7 Christ’s birth and kingdom are foretold by Isaiah.

Before the Marvel of This Night (Vajda/Schalk, Augsburg Fortress)

FOURTH LESSON: Isaiah 11:1-9 The peace that Christ will bring is foreshown.

Peace in the Valley (Thomas Dorsey; Chris Smit on vocals)

FIFTH LESSON: Isaiah 40:1-5 Isaiah speaks comfort.

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

SIXTH LESSON: Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel salutes the virgin Mary.

In This Quiet Annunciation (Carlos Colón)

Mary, Mary (youth choir; Richard K. Avery and Donald S. Marsh/arranged by Michael Burkhardt)

SEVENTH LESSON: Luke 2:1-7 The birth of Jesus.

O Magnum Mysterium (Tomás Luis de Victoria)

EIGHTH LESSON: Luke 2:8-16 The shepherds go to the manger.

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly and  Angels We Have Heard on High



Go Tell It on the Mountain

Feel free to email with questions about where to find these arrangements. We’ve been holding Lessons & Carols services for a number of years; check out some past services: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007.